Brussels – Researchers of 16 institutes meet in Brussels to discuss metrics, models and foresight for sustainable food and nutrition security in Europe. “We have a real dense program”, states Thom Achterbosch, project coordinantor, during the second project partner meeting.”
“We will deliver high quality research for sustainable food and nutrition security to support evidene base and analytical tools for underpinning EU-wide food policies. This will be done with respect to their impact on consumer diet and their implications for nutrition and public health, the environment, the competitiveness of the EU agri-food sectors, and global food and nutrition system.”
In focus are subjects like how to assess the nutritional adequacy of European diets. “Putting the diets in the center is an new approach”, tells Achterbosch in his welcome note. Consumer diets are a pivotal tool, a shared responsibility. SUSFANS will argue for European diets to become more environmentally and economically sustainable, and more healthy and nutritious. “Strengthening EU food and nutrition security requires more sustainable food consumption and production.”
“As researcher, we are not a on the steering wheel, but we can deliver an evidence base.” In the meeting, SUSFANS reviewed the work progress of the first 18 month, foster collaboration across teams and task and getting ready to deliver the final metrics in March 2017 – and are preparing for the 2nd Stakeholder meeting, starting directly after the partner meeting. More about susfans at